Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flying the Legendary South Side

We finally got out to the Point of the Mountain South Side this morning. It was looking really good while we set up but by the time we were clear to launch the conditions had died down and it was no longer soarable. The South Side is only a few hundred feet high but eventually we decided to take a sledder. Not a legendary first flight in Utah, lasted about a minute, but nonetheless a flight. As we were breaking down our gliders a mighty rain blew in and drenched us all quite thoroughly!!
Drying Wings

Sunny South Side
We grabbed some lunch and by the time we were finished the sun had returned and all the clouds that had followed us since arrival burned off in the next 20 minutes. Awesome. Back to the south side. Flew the South Side properly getting about 20 minutes of soaring. It was a new experience for me flying with Paragliders and I must admit I didn't like it. They fly a lot different than hang gliders and I found it difficult to predict where they were going to go next. I'm sure I could adapt given time by I hope I never have to :)

Lots O' PGs
The day ended well with a rosy glow both in me and on the mountains. Having gotten 2 flights today I fee pretty satisfied. Tomorrow is going to be awesome with sunny skies predicted and our first trip to the mountains in the afternoon. Can't wait!!!