Wednesday, August 11, 2010

All is not lost!

When I was a toddler my grandma told my parents that "If this boy doesn't grow up to be a pilot then something's wrong with this world."

Well, there are many things wrong with this world but all is not lost. It took me much longer than planned, but finally at age 36 I became a pilot and have been pursuing that dream of ultimate freedom across the skies ever since.

Watch my first flight

With luck, my daughter will show this blog to her friends in 10 years and they'll all talk about what an awesome dad I am! At the very least I'll have a place to make a record of my adventures... a record that I can use to help me remember that, even though we live in challenging times, one can still find inspiration and joy and the fulfilment of lifelong dreams!


  1. Nice! Be thankful you had the sense to make your career something smart, like software...and your fun something cool, like flying.

  2. Zoe & I already think you're an awesome dad! x
